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Predicting Stock Values
with Facebook Prophet

By Philip Harman


​Below is an excerpt from a simple stock value prediction app I made using Dash and Facebook Prophet, which is a great tool for automated forecasting. â€‹The dashboard could not be embedded directly to this page per Wix's policies, but the interactive version is running through Google Kubernetes Engine at















This app outputs a 60-day forecast for the user-selected ticker, based on the previous 3 years of closing price values. The model is a univariate time series, meaning it only takes into account the historical closing values of of the stock itself and does not consider any outside factors. This is a reasonable approach in some cases, but I should point out that it's a bit of an oversimplification in others (for example, check out the apparently infinite growth that the model predicts for the notorious GME).















For the source code of this project, check out my GitHub.

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